Sidestepping Change

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2
Things changing in my life used to bring on such a feeling of dread. As old patterns were jeopardized I would be filled with uncertainty and insecurity. I now meet new changes with a sense of challenge. I find them exciting and invigorating. Without these changes my life would remain dull, lifeless, and uninteresting if I never tried any new way of doing things or accepted new challenges. When you step out in faith to do and be more you allow yourself to grow by leaps and bounds. Sometimes I’m not always able to meet these new challenges but this is all a part of life and a way of trying new things. There’s a sense of joy that comes with knowing there will always be new challenges to head off in life. It’s nice to know I can learn, experience and feel new things in life each and every day!
Prayer – Dear Heavenly Father, I know that life is for living and growing through so many new experiences that we can meet each day. These come to us no matter what age we are. I know that You are with me through each of these changes as I grow in them. I thank you in advance for being able to expect and accept each new challenge. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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